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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Individual/ Family Photos Photos will be taken on Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th March. Please ensure children are wearing their full school uniform. Thank you | World Book Day : Thurs 6th March We will mark World Book Day in school this week with various book-related activities in class. Children are invited to participate in non-uniform on Thursday by wearing their pyjamas and by bringing their favourite bedtime story. World Book Day tokens will be distributed.
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Board of Governors

Chair Mr Dale Burnett
Vice Chair Mr Martin McConville
Foundation Governors

Dr Matthew O'Neill
Dr Aisling O'Boyle

Parent Governors

Mrs Trisha Conly

DENI Governors

Mr Steven Johnston

Mr Alan Law

Mrs Diane Mallon

Mrs Rachel Bristow

Teacher Governors


Treasurer Mr Alan Law
Principal Ms Julie McAuley