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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

World Literacy Day

8th Sep 2023

Well, what a week we have had!  Settling into life in P6F, catching up with each other, getting to know Mrs Fulton and surviving the heat! 🌞. 

All of our subjects have a common theme of Little People Big Ideas. We have been learning about Michelle Mullan, a friend of Mrs Fulton who has written a children’s book. We have been using Leonard the Lion for our grammar work. We have been learning Michael Rosen poems and next week we will be doing author interview study on him and creating a set of interview questions for Michelle Mullan- hope no she will send us a podcast in return. Lots of Literacy work done in a week which celebrates World Literacy Day! 📚

Our reading for this month is based on a whole class novel called Toro Toro.  We have also been showcasing OUR FAVOURITE BOOK FROM OUR CHILDHOOD.  We have been looking at the authors, the illustrators and the publishers. We are beginning to look at writer devices such as ALLITERATION and CLIFF HANGERS. 

We have been looking at Jungle Art by artists such as Rembrandt, Zokosky, Stubbs and many more.  We are trying to understand the character of the animal in the painting by looking at colour, tone and light and how mood can be captured with each of these.  🐯🐅

Other people we have learned about are David Attenborough and Beethoven - where their dreams came true!  Lots more people to learn about throughout the term - locally and afar! 

Please keep checking in on us on this page.  We will have lots to share throughout the term! 

Many Thanks