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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Half term holiday Thank you to all parents and carers who attended parent interviews this week. School will be closed next week from Mon 10th- Fri 14th for half term. We hope you have an enjoyable break.
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Whole School Assembly

24th Nov 2019

A very special assembly was held on Friday morning for our school community. Johnny from Sustrans came to speak to us about rosd safety and then presented us with the Silver Sustrans Award. We were delighted that Mrs Carey could also attend the assembly as our guest of honour and our previous active travel champion.

Mrs Carey also shared her experiences on her recent trip to Tanzania and showed pictures and videos to the children. Mrs Carey also took the opportunity to present a new cup to the school for "Encouraging Others", which will be given out at prize-giving later in the year.

Finally, Ms McAuley gave out prizes to the colouring and poster competition winners from Anti-Bullying Week as well as this week's Merit Awards for Foundation and KS1.

What a busy assembly!