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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
St Patrick's Day Reminder: We will have a non-uniform day on Fri 14th March (green theme) to mark St Patrick's Day.School will also be closed on Mon 17th March.
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Welcome to Monday 6th Jan 2025

6th Jan 2025

Dear parents and pupils, 😀

We have a lot on over Jan and Feb. 

Homework is back to normal - 45 mins per evening max. 

Class photos are tomorrow. Make sure you are all looking brilliant as always 📸

Visit from RISE team for an online safety workshop on Gaming. 💻

Please see timetable sent home for new PE schedule for next few weeks to half term. 🏒🥊

Homework - 

  1.  Comprehension- full answers please.  Highlight answers in passage too to help you form answers. 
  2. spellings- silent L - P5.  Adverbs P6. 
  3. sentences for first 5 words - detailed, interesting sentences please.  Ensure spelling and punctuation are correct.  Complete these in back of spelling page.
    4. fraction activities - P5 and 6 children have the same fraction work this week for home. This term we will be learning about fractions, decimals and percentages - differentiated for the year groups.  We will also be consolidating multiplication and division methods and addition and subtraction using exchange with larger numbers and within problem solving.
    5. library visit tomorrow for books.  Reading at home commences Tuesday.  15 mins reading with your child. 

    Children settled in well this morning.  It was lovely having them all back.  

    Parent teacher meetings are February and transfer to second level schools talk will be March.  🗓️
Mrs Fulton.