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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
St Patrick's Day Reminder: We will have a non-uniform day on Fri 14th March (green theme) to mark St Patrick's Day.School will also be closed on Mon 17th March.
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Wednesday 13th January

13th Jan 2021

Good Morning P5/6. Miss O Kane here! Unfortunately Mrs Fulton is unwell at the moment and so I will be with you until next week. You were set some work on Monday which I hope you have completed. I will give you work for 3 sessions each day: Literacy, Numeracy and possibly The World Around Us. As today is Wednesday, I will set you a Well-Being activity.


  1.   Please write out your spellings and complete the spelling activities as needed.   
  2.    Continue to read daily- 5/6 pages of your books. You should all  have a Guided Reading Workbook. Please complete the first activity. Note this may be more than 1 page. If you have already started your booklet, Great! Just continue on with the next activity.
  3. Grammar: Please complete Pg 6&7 of your Grammar Practise & Learn booklet - PronounsRemember:  A Pronoun is used to replace a noun in a sentence.


  1. Complete all x2 Tables activities in 'At Home with Tables 1' booklet. You will have started these on Monday. They are revision and shouldn't take too long.
  2. Maths Number Book - complete Pg 2 - Column Addition Practice (with Regrouping)

Well-Being Wednesday:

Put down your pencil/I-pads and go outside! Take a walk, play or splash in the puddles! Enjoy the fresh air!

If you would like to send me a picture of your work, or have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Work hard P5/6! I'll post tomorrow's sessions later today.

Take care!