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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

Term 3 Week 3 Update

4th May 2020

Hi everyone.

I hope you are all still staying home and staying safe. Believe me, I know it's getting harder but you are doing really well and we will get through this. Just think... years from now, children will be asked questions about the Big Virus of 2020! We should all probably be keeping lots of pictures and diaries for our future descendants, so that they will have a good idea of what you all went through!

I got some feedback from a few of you that the PDF documents are much clearer and easier to read, so we're sticking with that! I'm learning new things every day! 

This Friday (8th May), we would have been off school to celebrate a very important day in our country's history. So important in fact, that the usual Mayday holiday (which was always the 1st Monday in May) was actually changed to coincide with this celebration. We are celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day... Victory in Europe Day... I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if you would do some research about why VE Day was such an important day in our history. I am attaching (trying to) a few activities... and document which suggests some lovely ideas for ways to celebrate VE Day during lockdown... one of which is to have a picnic on your front lawn after listening to a very important speech which was given by a very important person on the BBC... you'll have to look at the document for more details!! 

I am missing you all dreadfully... and a few of the girls have been in touch via email. If you are in touch with your classmates, make sure they are accessing the website to see what I am putting on here. I'd love to hear from more of you. And (oh, did I just start a sentence with 'and'?) if any of you do anything special to celebrate VE Day on Friday, please send us pictures. By the way, keep an eye on the Facebook page this Thursday... you may see a few familiar faces with messages for you all. 

Love you all lots, like jelly tots! Stay safe. Keep working. Stay in touch.

Mrs Young xx


P7Y Literacy Week 3 (4th May 2020) View download document
P7Y Week 3 New Wave (4th May 2020) View download document
VE Day Activities (4th May 2020) View download document
VE Day Activities (4th May 2020) View download document
VE Day Activities (4th May 2020) View download document
VE Day Activities (4th May 2020) View download document
VE Day Activities (4th May 2020) View download document
VE Day Activities (4th May 2020) View download document
VE Day Ideas (4th May 2020) View download document