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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
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September 2019 Attendance

1st Oct 2019

Congratulations to P1B, who achieved the highest attendance in September with 98.35%. This is a very positive start to the year. Class attendance in September ranged from 93.22% to 98.35% and our whole school attendance for the month was 96.01%. P1B will celebrate their achievement with a tea party with Ms McAuley next week. They can look forward to some juice, tea and various tasty treats!

We would remind you that school attendance is not just statutory but also hugely beneficial to children. In missing school children can miss out on a wide range of positive life experiences ranging from shared education opportunities, Sustrans activities, PDMU lessons, educational trips, visits from outside visitors, as well as their usual curriculum work and the social interaction school affords.

In their "Miss School. Miss Out" Campaign DE remind schools that each year 40,000 children in NI have an attendance level of 90% or lower. They would emphasise that 90% is not a good result and means that children have missed 19 school days/ or 1 month out of school.

We would discourage parents from absenting their children from school except in the instance of illness or particular circumstances. Family holidays in term time are recorded as unauthorised absences.

Our whole school attendance for 2018/19 was 92.48%, let's make sure together that this year we reach 95%+ and improve levels of school attendance. At the end of September there were 185 pupils with attendance of 100%!

We will post pictures of the P1B tea party next week.