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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Nursery and P1 Applications for Sept 2025 Thank you to everyone who attended our Open Evening on Thursday 9th. It was lovely to meet lots of parents and children as you begin your school experience. If any parent or guardian was unable to attend and would like information or an opportunity to visit, please contact the school office. EA Connect will open today at 12noon for applications and will close at the same time on Friday 24th January.
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Safer Internet Day P1B Pledge

7th Feb 2024

We chatted about technology old and new and how we can use technology to get online. We talked about all the useful ways we can use the internet but we also know that it is very important to stay safe while online. Today we made a pledge to only use games for our age, only to watch videos for our age and to always ask our grown ups for permission to use the internet. Primary One know to tell an adult about anything that they don’t like online.