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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
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Remote Learning June 2020

15th Jun 2020

Dear Parents and Children,

Thank you for all your hard work and effort with remote and online learning over the last 12 weeks. We hope you have been able to fully utilise the home learning packs and engage with the online learning on our school website. We have really enjoyed receiving your emails and pictures and having the opportunity to stay in touch. Remote learning will end on Friday 19th June. I am grateful to our staff who have continued to plan work for the children, engage with parents and pupils via email and ensure that learning and teaching was prioritised.

During this time, we have continued to hold our weekly staff meetings using Microsoft Teams, where we discussed feedback we received, shared examples of good work and considered pastoral matters. In the last few weeks, we have begun to look ahead to plan for the next academic year. At this point we are planning for a blended learning approach and as such, we are reflecting on and reviewing the strategies and platforms we have used since March. We anticipate making adjustments to this approach and may well employ a new online platform in the future; where we can have increased opportunities for teacher/pupil engagement and monitoring of home learning. We will keep you informed of our plans moving forward. 

At present we are awaiting guidance from Department of Education regarding the new academic year but we have begun discussions already in school and will share information in due course. I would encourage parents to continue to visit the website regularly over the summer months.

Thank you, 

J McAuley