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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
St Patrick's Day Reminder: We will have a non-uniform day on Fri 14th March (green theme) to mark St Patrick's Day.School will also be closed on Mon 17th March.
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Recruitment- Classroom Assistants Required (Re-advertisement)

19th Nov 2024

The Board of Governors of Braidside IPS are pleased to invite applications for the following positions:

Classroom Assistants  3 posts(temporary, 15hpw/ 20hpw/ 25hpw)
Classroom Assistant (Additional SEN) 1 post (temporary 25 hpw)

Application packs containing Job Information and application are available to download from the website. Any further information can be obtained by emailing with Recruitment Nov 24 in the subject line.

Closing date: Tuesday 3rd December @ 12noon
Interviews: Week commencing 16th December 2024

The classroom assistant posts are a re-advertisement (and include revised criteria), while the Classroom Assistant (Additional SEN) is being advertised for the first time.

We are an Equal Opportunities Employer

89 Frys Road Ballymena, BT43 7EN