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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Half term holiday Thank you to all parents and carers who attended parent interviews this week. School will be closed next week from Mon 10th- Fri 14th for half term. We hope you have an enjoyable break.
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Rainforest in a box

10th Feb 2023

Pupils in P6/7O have been working extremely hard at home on their rainforest projects.

Their task was to create a rainforest inside a box which would show off their knowledge about the layers of a rainforest.

We are absolutely delighted with the effort and hard work that has gone into these at home.

The projects are now on display in our school library area for everyone in our school to enjoy.

Well done everyone!


A message from the Principal:

P6/7O your work on rainforests has been incredible! I have been so impressed by your work and effort. Great job!