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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

Primary 40 tasks for 3 February 2021

2nd Feb 2021

Hello boys and girls

These are your tasks for today. They have also been uploaded to Teams. Please remember to upload your finished work so that I can view it and give you feedback.


We are continuing with National Storytelling Week. Today we are going to listen to a story called, The Case of the Missing Carrot Cake, written by Robin Newman and read by Wanda Sykes. The story can be found on YouTube by typing in: (The Case of the Missing Carrot Cake). Listen to the story carefully because it contains lots and lots of useful information for your task which you have to do. Your task is attached below and you should complete it in your literacy books. There is no need to write out the questions, just answer them and make sure that your work is dated and has a title. You have to write a different ending to this story, in other words change what really happened to something new. Use your imagination and think before you write. Remember your neat handwriting and presentation, use good adjectives and verbs, and most of all enjoy the story with the original and your new ending. Which do you think is the best?🤔

Don’t forget, if you haven’t done so already, to post me some pictures of yourself reading your favourite books or reading a book at home so that I can put them on the school website for everyone to see during this week.   Remember to upload your work so I can view it and give you feedback.  


Today we are going to continue with her multiplication tables. We are again going to use our tables to solve some word problems. Before we start let’s  warm up. I would like you to count up in twos from 1 to 100 and then all the way back down to one. Now count up in fives from 1 to 100 and all the way back down to one. Now I’d like you to count up in tens from one all the way up to 100 and then all the way back down. You could see if you beat yesterday’s time! Did you beat your time? Now I’d like you to count up in threes from 1 to 30 and back down again. Now I would like you to count in fours from 1 to 40 and back down again. How did you get on?Now let’s try the same thing with the six times table from 1 to 60. How did you get on?👍 or 🤙 or 👎  

I would like you to look at your task for today which is attached below. This task involves problems using your 5 times table knowledge. I would like you to do your work in your numeracy  book. Make sure you number your questions and write your work neatly and read over the questions and your answers carefully.   Remember to upload your work so I can view it and give you feedback.


Today for Wellbeing Wednesday we are going to watch an assembly. This is a special assembly to launch Children’s Mental Health Week. In the assembly we will be looking at ourselves, our thoughts, feelings and how to express yourselves. Please listen carefully to what is being said because it’s important to you, me and everyone else around you. 


Complete today’s diary entry making sure you date your entry. Please upload your completed work so I can view it and give you feedback.