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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
What's happening at Braidside! There's lots happening in school at the moment. Please make sure you check out the most recent news posts on our Nursery Provision/ Case for Change, recruitment, Wreath making Workshop, Parent Group Christmas Raffle, our Rotary Club collection and other news on class pages.The November newsletter is available too and contains lots of diary dates for the weeks ahead.Next week information will be shared on tickets for P4-7 Christmas show, as well as the upcoming and ever-popular Christmas Disco. 
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P7Y Welcome to Term 2 Remote Learning from 6th January 2021

5th Jan 2021

Hello P7.

Well, isn't this a rotten way to start the New Year and a new term? It makes the words of our Christmas song seem a little ironic (maybe we could release it for next Christmas and make a FORTUNE) However, I will wish you ALL a very Happy New Year and let's hope that we can all be together again soon.

So, as you are probably aware by now, you are not going to have face to face teaching for a while. How long this will continue for? Well, at the moment that's anybody's guess, but the chat is that I won't see you until half term at least. This is not ideal for any of us... not for you and not for me... but, as you have probably heard me say once or twice this year... "it is what it is"...

Now, in November, you guys worked brilliantly on TEAMS with me. We will continue to use TEAMS over the next 6 weeks... BUT... we are going to use it differently this time.

Winnie and I have been in school preparing packs for you all which is made up of textbooks, booklets, worksheets and reading books etc. These will NEED to be collected from school and Mrs McAuley will be in touch about this. I plan to use these resources you have been given to TEACH you and I will GUIDE you through the work provided on TEAMS. This means that you WILL go onto TEAMS each day to see what is being covered, watch any videos that I put on there, attend any meetings that I set up for us AND complete any assignments that I schedule on there... It is likely that the assignments which appear on TEAMS will be Creative Writing and TWAU tasks. SO, ONCE YOU HAVE COLLECTED YOUR PACK FROM SCHOOL, YOU WILL COMPLETE THE NUMERACY AND LITERACY WORK ONLY WHEN YOU ARE ASKED TO ON TEAMS.

I hope this makes sense to all of you. I will of course, be available through the school day to interact with you on TEAMS and offer advice or help where needed... I will be putting answers to tasks on there too.

You will also notice that I am going to SET UP groups within TEAMS... so for example, each reading group within our class will be set tasks that are just for them.

Please ensure today (as soon as possible) that you are able to get onto TEAMS, just as you were before Christmas, and if anyone has managed to forget their username and password, contact me via my school email address

Missing you already,

a very sad and lonely Mrs Young