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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
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P6O work week beg 8th June

7th Jun 2020

Hello P6O,

How are you all doing? It seems like such a long time since I have seen you all. Some of you have kept in touch with me via email and I have really enjoyed reading these messages and finding out how you are doing. I hope that you are all keeping well and are happy at home. How is the home learning going? Are you finding it hard to keep going, especially in the sunny weather? That seems to be the case in my house at the minute!

Here's something interesting that I did... last Monday morning I got up at 4am and went to the beach at Ballycastle with Emily! Yes 4 o'clock in the morning! Why would we do this crazy thing? To watch the sun come up! It was beautiful and totally worth the very early start to the day! Tell me something fun that you have done recently -

So some work for the week. You have all received a letter from Mrs Heffron about being buddies for p1 in Sept. I know that lots of you were really looking forward to this role of responsibility and I know you will be excellent at it. So if you haven't yet written your letter and emailed it to Mrs Heffron that is your first task for the week. The deadline is Friday so please don't forget!

I have included lots of different Maths problem solving tasks this week for you to have a go at! Please don't cheat and look at the answers first! Remember the rule - always show your working out!

For Literacy there are spelling tasks and New Wave English to do.

Any problems, issues or anything at all (even just to say hello) please email me.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs O'Neill :)


Multiple choice Maths problems (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Pizza Perfection Maths (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Problem solving (7th Jun 2020) View download document