P6O work week beg 1st June
Hello there primary 6! How are you all doing? I hope you have been enjoying the beautiful weather over the last few days. I certainly have. Lots of reading and relaxing in the sun for me!
Did any of you have a go at guessing the avatars on Facebook? Anyone spot me? Thumbs up if you did!!!
So it's back to work today for us all. I have given you New spellings and activities as well as New Wave English and Maths.
For all your budding authors and poets here's a competition you might like to enter - task is to write a short story or poem based on 'What I am looking forward to after lockdown '. You can include illustration as well. Email your entry to Competition@utu.edu and there are cash prizes to be won!
If you prefer Maths why not invent your own cool drink, smoothie, milkshake or mocktail this week? Share the recipe and any pics with us.
There's also a few tasks on positive and negative numbers for you to try. Let me know how you get on!
Remember to keep in touch koneill422@c2kni.net
Take care,
Mrs O' Neill
Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School , 89 Frys Road Ballymena, County Antrim BT43 7EN | Telephone: 028 2564 7899