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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

P6O Project Week

4th May 2020

Good morning P6O! I hope that you are all keeping well and staying at home. I know it's hard - it's hard not seeing all your friends and family. It's hard not being allowed to do all the things you normally do. Believe me, it's hard for me too! I miss seeing my friends and family and I miss seeing all of you every day. You may even have noticed that I seem to have started making mistakes!!!! Who would have thought it! Clearly my brain needs to be in school!

I know it's hard to do school work at home too. My girls are finding this tough too. So this week I have decided to change things. I'm not giving you New Wave or spelling work. Did I just hear you cheer???? I'm giving you a project to work on.

This week we would be off school on Friday for the May Bank Holiday (so no school work on Fri then!) It's normally the Monday we get off but this year it's Friday because Fri 8th May is the 75th Anniversary of VE (Victory in Europe) day. What's that? I hear you say. Well you're about to find out.

I've added in lots of ideas for you to work on. There's a slideshow full of information on VE day, a factfile with questions to answer, VE day thought bubbles, a Morse Code activity, a recipe booklet and colouring pages. You could also do some biographical research on Churchill or Hitler if you are interested in this topic. Maybe someone in your family was in the war - ask! Please send me pictures of any work you do or if you make any of the recipes.

I miss you all. Stay safe, be good, keep in touch and hopefully see you soon,

Mrs O'Neill

Colouring pages (4th May 2020) View download document
Discussion thoughts (4th May 2020) View download document
Factfile (4th May 2020) View download document
Morse code (4th May 2020) View download document
Recipe booklet (4th May 2020) View download document
Slideshow (4th May 2020) View download document