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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

P6/7C Week beginning 27th April

27th Apr 2020

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you had a good week and have been continuing to enjoy the glorious weather. I'm sure you have made the most of it and have been out for walks and bike rides everyday and maybe even helping your family with outdoor jobs. 

With regard to work this week I would like you to have a go at the following:

Spelling activities 4-6 These are the types of words that children commonly spell incorrectly so take your time to look carefully at the correct spelling of the words and learn any that you regularly spell incorrectly.

Spring Maths Booklet pages 5-9 Page 9 of this booklet involves calculating the fraction of a number, we looked at these types of questions in our New Wave maths, remember you divide by the number on the bottom line of the fraction.

Example 1/3 of 27 = 27 ÷3 = 9 

Mental Maths I have given you 4 more mental maths tests and a times table speed test. The last 2 mental maths tests are more challenging so don't worry if you can't manage all the questions in these tests. 

Comprehensions You should still have some of the comprehensions to do from your learning pack if you do one of them again this week that would be great. 

Creative Writing Click on the link below and complete some of the activities from the Pobble 365 website. You can choose from Story Starter, Sick Sentences, Sentence Challenge and Question Time.

Grammar Speech Marks complete activity 1 and 2 from the BBC Bitesize website, if you wish you can have a go at Activity 3 but only complete one of the worksheets.

As always just do as much of this as you can manage and also make time for other fun activities, I know for some of you that will be making up dances, gaming, baking or playing outdoors. Whatever you are doing most importantly be kind to one another and stay safe. 

Will be in touch again next week and remember if you have any problems with your work or just want to get in touch please email me. It is always lovely to hear from you. 

Mr Calderwood



Mental Maths 1 (27th Apr 2020) View download document
Mental Maths 2 (27th Apr 2020) View download document
Mental Maths 3 (27th Apr 2020) View download document
Mental Maths 4 (27th Apr 2020) View download document
Times Table Speed Test (27th Apr 2020) View download document