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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
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P6-7C Week beginning 8th June

7th Jun 2020

Hello Everyone - hope you are all well. It seems a long time since we were last together! I hope that you are managing to keep in touch with some of your school friends -  that is the advantage of computer games, messaging etc. 

I also I know that as time goes on it becomes more tricky to keep doing work at home - so just remember a little each day is better than nothing at all. 


A couple of messages for P7 - Firstly now that you know which secondary school you are going to you are maybe starting to think about moving on and probably have lots of different emotions about this. Mrs McAuley has put details on the school website of a Webinar that the school counselling service is running, this would be good to take part in, there are details about what to do on the website if you are interested. 

Secondly Mrs Young and I would like to say thanks to those of you who have sent a picture and a piece of writing for the Leavers' Book, if you have still to do that could you please send it by Monday 8th June. 


Primary 6 Mrs Heffron has been in touch with you all about being buddies for next year - thanks to those who have volunteered I know you will be super at this job. Mrs Heffron has sent your parents an email with some more details about what she would like you to do now, so that is your number one priority this week. 

Mental Maths

As always I have included mental maths tests and times table speed tests - if group 2 just do mental maths 1 and 2 that is ok.


Once again this week I have included a short maths video I hope you find these videos useful. This week it is about factors, there are then some questions on factors to answer. 

I have also included a couple of fun maths mysteries to solve - we have done some similar to these in class and I know you enjoyed them!

This is the link to the factors video:


Don't forget that Mrs Young posts activities from First News each week so have a go at some of those activities. 

Factors Answers (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Factors questions (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Mental Maths 1 (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Mental Maths 2 (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Mental Maths 3 (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Mental Maths 4 (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Murder Mystery (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Murder Mystery Answers (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Pirate Mystery (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Pirate Mystery Answers (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Times Table Speed Test 1 (7th Jun 2020) View download document
Times Table Speed Test 2 (7th Jun 2020) View download document