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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Nursery and P1 Applications for Sept 2025 Thank you to everyone who attended our Open Evening on Thursday 9th. It was lovely to meet lots of parents and children as you begin your school experience. If any parent or guardian was unable to attend and would like information or an opportunity to visit, please contact the school office. EA Connect will open today at 12noon for applications and will close at the same time on Friday 24th January.
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P5F British Science Week!

16th Mar 2022

We are loving the excitement of British Science Week! We have been doing lots of experiments in class linked to Growth!  We are currently growing cress seeds.  We have watched baking soda and vinegar react and the effervescence grow and flow over the glass!  As for the bread- the permanent changes made when eggs, flour, buttermilk and sugar were combined and put into a hot oven- proved to be VERY TASTY! 

The week is not yet over!  We continue to explore and have fun. In school and at home. We are continuing to develop our scientific knowledge and learning how to write out, record and hypothesise in our science experiments.


As part of our Early Man topic, Miss McCready has taught us how to create our very own fossil! We have attached photos of this very delicate process!  The fossils are still forming in our classroom!  Some of us really hope they do not grow into a DINOSAUR 🦖! Our practical experiment 🧪 has enabled us to understand the layers of rock that form over dead animals. 


Enjoy our photos and videos!