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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Parent Interviews Interviews will take place next Mon 3rd- Thurs 6th February. School will end on these days at 1pm. Transport will be provided for the earlier finish.
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P4/5M Well Being Wednesday/Take 5 Day

8th May 2024

P4/5M had lots of fun today and really enjoyed our special Take 5 Day.

We spent time this morning learning how to keep safe in the sun.  We also found out about different animals and how they keep safe during warm weather.  At break time we enjoyed a delicious ice cream from the ice cream van. 

We had a visit from an author and illustrator called Ellan Rankin.  She read her book called “The Secret Elephant” and then helped us to make elephant bookmarks. 

After lunch, we did our sponsored walk along with P3H.   The weather was beautiful…..just perfect for walking!

When we finished our sponsored walk we returned to the classroom and did some Cosmic Kids guided breathing meditation to help slow our breathing down and to make more space in our mind, body and soul.