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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

P4/5M Happy Bank Holiday!

24th May 2020

Sunday, 24th May 2020

Hi P4/5M

I hope you are all keeping well.  This is just a wee short note to remind you that tomorrow is a Bank Holiday and that means "NO SCHOOL WORK"!!   Ben and Harry were delighted when I told them the good news on Friday.  I won't be uploading any work for tomorrow but I'll have work on the school website for Tuesday morning. 

Also, don't forget that it is our Braidside Home School Tea Party tomorrow too.  I hope you will be able to join in with the fun at home.  I am really looking forward to tomorrow and we are planning to do some baking for the tea party!  Don't forget to send us your home photos of your tea party!

I hope you enjoy having a day 'with no school work'.  Have lots of fun with your family instead and enjoy your tea party ♥


Mrs Kim McLaughlinxx