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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
World Book Day : Thurs 6th March We will mark World Book Day in school this week with various book-related activities in class. Children are invited to participate in non-uniform on Thursday by wearing their pyjamas and by bringing their favourite bedtime story. World Book Day tokens will be distributed.
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P2H Just loved celebrating maths week!

20th Oct 2023

P2H have been learning all about 2D shapes recently and we used this as our theme for celebrating maths week in school. We took part in a number of shape activities from searching for 2D shapes at home and in school to making 2D shape witches and even 2D shape toast to tie in with our food topic. A wonderful week full of fun for everyone! 

World Book Day : Thurs 6th March
We will mark World Book Day in school this week with various book-related activities in class. Children are invited to participate in non-uniform on Thursday by wearing their pyjamas and by bringing their favourite bedtime story. World Book Day tokens will be distributed.