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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
St Patrick's Day Reminder: We will have a non-uniform day on Fri 14th March (green theme) to mark St Patrick's Day.School will also be closed on Mon 17th March.
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Nursery and P1 Open Evening

6th Jan 2025

The Open Night for Nursery and Primary 1 pupils and parents (for September 2025), will take place on Thursday 9th January.

For Nursery the session will commence in the hall at 6:15pm with refreshments and followed by Principal's address at 6:30pm. Please ensure you book your place by contacting the school by telephone or email. There are just a small numbers of places available.

For Primary 1 pupils the session will commence at 7pm in the hall, with Principal's address at 7:15pm.

Parents and children will have the opportunity to visit classrooms and see our facilities and school, as well as ask any questions you may have. 

Parents can also find attached the criteria in place for Nursery and Primary 1, in the event of being oversubscribed.

For further enquiries, or if you are unable to attend the Open Evening, please contact the school office and we will assist in any way possible.

We look forward to welcoming parents and children to Braidside!

St Patrick's Day
Reminder: We will have a non-uniform day on Fri 14th March (green theme) to mark St Patrick's Day.
School will also be closed on Mon 17th March.