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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
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Notes for week commencing 4th May 2020

3rd May 2020


Hello Primary 1,

I hope you are all well, getting outside and enjoying the lovely weather we are having.  It is hard to believe we are now into the month of May! In school we would be starting the topic of mini beasts.  It is a topic that P1 kids usually love as we get to go outside and explore and hunt for bugs.          

Tasks for week beginning Monday 4th May:

  1. I went outside with my kids today and we found lots of mini beasts. We found a ladybird sitting on a wall, we found a slug on the grass, we found an earwig and a centipede. Can you go outside and see if you can find any mini beasts? Ask an adult to go with you.  I’d love it if you could draw a picture of all the mini beasts you find or fill out the mini beast tick sheet I have sent.  Send me your drawings, photos or tick sheet so I can share it with all the boys and girls in P1H. (see Document 1)
  2. Ask an adult to read the story book ‘The Cautious Caterpillar’ to you. It is a lovely story about mini beasts. I really enjoyed it and I think you will too. (see Document 2)
  3. Talk about the lifecycle of a butterfly. Complete the cut and stick worksheet to show the changes from a caterpillar to butterfly.  (see Document 3)
  4. A butterfly is one of my favourite mini beasts. I’d love you all to draw a great big butterfly.  Make it as colourful as you can.  I can’t wait to see them all! (see Document 4)
  5. Can you make a pattern by colouring in the caterpillars. (see Document 5)
  6. The grasshopper in the story had 6 legs. Using anything at home, crayons, counters, coins, could you find as many ways to make the number 6.  E.g. 5+1, 4+2, 3+3 etc.  Write down these sums on some paper.
  7. Like last week I’d like you to log onto the Collins books and read the titles:

                                                          Pink A book - In the garden

                                                          Pink A book - Mini beasts

                                                          Pink B book - The Pond

Collins Connect

Please click on the above link and use the following login details:


Password: Parents20!

PS If you don’t have access to a printer, don’t worry, just complete the work on a blank piece of paper.

I hope you all have a lovely week and enjoy completing these activities. I am putting together a pack of work which you will be able to collect from school.  I will get in touch when this is ready.

Thank you to all of you who got in touch last week.  I loved hearing how you are all getting on and seeing all the photographs. I’m sure the kids loved seeing the photographs of their friends on our class page of the school website! I’m looking forward to seeing photographs of what you get up to this week.  Remember just to get in touch if you need anything. My email is

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Heffron

Document 1 (3rd May 2020) View download document
Document 2 (3rd May 2020) View download document
Document 3 (3rd May 2020) View download document
Document 4 (3rd May 2020) View download document
Document 5 (3rd May 2020) View download document