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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Class Photos Class Photos will be taken on Tuesday 7th January 2025. All children should be in their school uniform. Thank you! | Opening Evening for Nursery and Primary 1 2025 Dear Prospective Parents, Guardians and Children,You are warmly invited to our Open Evening on Thursday 9th January 2025.Please see the news post for further information with times for Nursery and P1.Prospective Nursery parents should telephone the office (25647899) to make a booking for this session. (Places are limited due to capacity within Nursery classroom)We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school! | Nursery and Primary 1 Open Evening Nursery and Primary 1 Open Evening will take place on Thurs 9th January, 2025. Prospective parents and pupils are warmly invited to attend.
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Notes for week commencing 18th May 2020

17th May 2020

Hello Parents,

I hope you and your families are all well.  Thank you for coming to school to collect the packs, it was lovely to see you all.  Thank you for keeping in contact, it is uplifting to see all the photographs of the work going on at home. The children certainly look so happy.  This week I am not putting up as much work because in the work packs that you received there is enough work for numeracy and literacy for quite a while.  Just work through these at a pace that suits you.

We are continuing this week with our mini beast theme and then will change and start a new, fresh topic next week.

Have a look on our school Facebook page for details about our virtual Sports Day.

Tasks for this week

  1. This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is ‘Kindness’. I ask all the Primary One kids to do 1 act of kindness at home to brighten up someone's day. It can be helping with the tidying up, doing what they’ve been told to do, making mummy or daddy a nice card, giving mummy or daddy a flower, anything… as long as it is kind.  I want to hear all about it.  Either send me a video of your child telling me what they did that was so kind or take a photograph of it.
  2. Literacy and Numeracy – in packs
  3. Art- We are focusing on spiders this week. Your task is to be as creative as you can. Make me a spider!  It can be from materials around the house, you can paint one, you can make it from a paper plate or you can draw one.  Last week’s creations were superb!  Have fun!
  4. Topic

Document 1 - Find out one fact about a spider and write in down.  I loved your facts about bees last week.

Document 2- Complete the cut and stick life cycle about a spider.

Document 3 -Mini beast sorting activity – Sort the mini beasts by whether they can fly or not.  Next, can you think of any other ways that you could sort the mini beasts?  Maybe by colour, by shape or if they can fly or not.  Take a photo of all the different ways that you think of to sort these mini beasts.

    5. Reading                     

Please use Collins Connect to read the following e books and complete the activities at the end of the book – all Red B books

‘All in a month’

‘Bad Bat’

‘Jack and the Beanstalk’

Collins Connect

Please click on the above link and use the following login details:


Password: Parents20!

I hope you all have a lovely week.    Keep sending the photographs to  If I can be of any help just get in touch. 

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Heffron

Document 1 (17th May 2020) View download document
Document 2 (17th May 2020) View download document
Document 3 (17th May 2020) View download document