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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Half term holiday Thank you to all parents and carers who attended parent interviews this week. School will be closed next week from Mon 10th- Fri 14th for half term. We hope you have an enjoyable break.
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New School Year 2019-20

13th Aug 2019

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school in the new few weeks. School will re-open on Thursday 29th August 2019 @ 9am for the new school year. Parents and children are reminded that school will end for all pupils at 12noon on both Thursday 29th and Friday 30th August. On both these days there will be no transport provided. All Primary 1 and Nursery pupils have been provided with their individual start date and should refer to their letter received on the induction day in June.

At the start of the new year, we would remind parents that we encourage all children to wear school uniform, as indicated below. Uniform can be purchased from Select Kidz on Church Street, Ballymena. We appreciate your help with this.

Boys: Grey or navy trousers/ Navy jogging pants; white polo shirt, School sweatshirt.

Girls: Navy skirt or / pinafore/ navy jogging pants; white polo shirt, School sweatshirt.

We would ask that parents label all items of uniform, as well as schoolbags, lunchboxes and PE wear; with their child's name and class.

We hope that you all enjoy the remainder of your summer break!