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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
World Book Day : Thurs 6th March We will mark World Book Day in school this week with various book-related activities in class. Children are invited to participate in non-uniform on Thursday by wearing their pyjamas and by bringing their favourite bedtime story. World Book Day tokens will be distributed.
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New School Update

14th Feb 2020

Over the last few weeks we have begun the process of packing up, in preparation for our move into the new school. We've been throwing out and packing boxes but after half-term this will intensify. If any parent has sturdy cardboard boxes, which aren't too big  and which close on the top, we would willingly accept donations. 

You will see from the clip below that work is progressing very well both internally and externally. Classrooms have been fitted with sinks and cupboards, stores are being shelved and the toilet cubicles are being installed. The classrooms have also been painted and the vinyl flooring laid, while the windows have been measured up for blinds. In the staff room you can see the much improved kitchen area and pigeon holes for the teachers. And just this week, the architect has been consulting on the new outdoor play equipment!! It is incredibly exciting to know that within a matter of weeks we will be in the space. I'm sure parents and children are eagerly anticipating getting into the new school.

After half-term further information will be sent home to parents about the move, new safe-guarding measures and access to the school. Please keep up to date with information through the website and Facebook page. 

Enjoy the clip!!