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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

Monday 4th December 2023 HOMEWORK

4th Dec 2023

Welcome P6F, 

Homework this week is a little different!  You choose what tasks you do and when! 

Please ensure neat Handwriting for ALL tasks. We have spent much time going through these tasks.  This pack is revision! It is a recap of some of the maths, grammar and e safety work we have been doing this term.  

Please read ALL on the page!  Do not jump to the task.  You must read the instruction and extract/ highlight the key parts.  Everyone has the same booklet this week.  This booklet is for this week and next week.  

πŸŽ’πŸ“š - H O M E W O R K  - πŸŽ’πŸ“š

spellings - plural exceptions. Use dictionary for 4 words marked - 4 definitions - record on page.  Please remember the examples of good practice we have showcased the last couple of weeks of how to STUDY spellings! 

times tables - column per evening. check, correct, mark  aim for accuracy then increased speed  

grammar- parts of speech
maths - measure reading scales, area, volume, perimeter.  Remember how to search for the teaching videos we do in class  ‘area KS2’ etc   Some of you keep forgetting what each of these are.  You will get there πŸ˜…

E safety - focus this school year for whole school is E Safety- staying safe online.  These word searches will form next week spelling test.  

Please remember time limits for homework each day as discussed and in policy.  No more than 45 minutes per day.  


Mrs Fulton.