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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Half term holiday Thank you to all parents and carers who attended parent interviews this week. School will be closed next week from Mon 10th- Fri 14th for half term. We hope you have an enjoyable break.
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How to Steal Christmas - Instructional Writing

19th Dec 2023

Primary 7D looked at Christmas from the perspective of The Grinch. We read Dr Seuss’s How to Steal Christmas and developed our own instructions to do the same. We presented our instructions as a double page spread - it took a lot of careful thought to arrange our work and present it clearly.

It was a great opportunity to discuss what we value around Christmas time - the Whos in the story weren’t too bothered about losing their presents, Christmas grub or their tree - they found greater value in spending time together! 

We hope you enjoy our instructions!