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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

Homework week beginning 8th April 2024

8th Apr 2024

Welcome back everyone! 

Term 3. Can you believe it! We have started today with our first transfer test paper and our first workshop from 2:15-3:15pm. Children will take their papers home.  Today we did reading of questions and instructions together. This helped settle the children into a testing environment and taught them the questions skills required in today’s paper.  

HOMEWORK for the week

1. Spellings. 2 groups. Please complete ALL set tasks in spelling packs.  Please work with your child on learning these words.  

2.  Grammar - prepositions. 

3.  Maths - space angles. Complete the missing angles.  One full turn is 360 degrees. Calculate on the page the missing number.  Please do not just fill in a number. I need to see your working out. 

4. READING with a PARENT or independent if confident in comprehension of text read.  

5. Prime numbers