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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
St Patrick's Day Reminder: We will have a non-uniform day on Fri 14th March (green theme) to mark St Patrick's Day.School will also be closed on Mon 17th March.
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Homework week beginning 4th November 2024

4th Nov 2024

Hello P5/P6F,

Welcome back boys and girls.  I hope you all had a lovely week off.  It has been lovely seeing you all again today and hearing about your time off school. 

Homework this week - ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ป

1. Spellings - Look, Cover, Write, Check - word web, sentence and parts of speech - this is new to you for this year, so we will go over it tomorrow. 

2. Tables - 9 times tables 

3. Grammar activity. Verbs - 1 page as marked in booklet - very neat writing  

4. Comprehension. - beach / keeping warm 

5. Reading. - 15 mins for four days.  

Please use your schedule to help plan your week.  I understand we have commitments after school, so the planner will help you prioritise your afternoon activities.  

๐Ÿ“šBOOK FAIR ๐Ÿ“š - Friday. Please discuss budget for spending.  

A very big well done to each and everyone of you for the progress made in swimming this term!  You really have been amazing!  The level of confidence and skills development has been a pleasure to observe each week!  Keep up the good work!  We have a large bunch of talented swimmers with a beautiful technique, and the rest- who are not far behind! 

PE - commence Tuesdays again - as from this week.  Please remember to wear your kit and school jumper.   

Homework due in Friday.