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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Nursery and P1 Applications for Sept 2025 Thank you to everyone who attended our Open Evening on Thursday 9th. It was lovely to meet lots of parents and children as you begin your school experience. If any parent or guardian was unable to attend and would like information or an opportunity to visit, please contact the school office. EA Connect will open today at 12noon for applications and will close at the same time on Friday 24th January.
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Homework P5O week beg Mon 6/1/25

6th Jan 2025

Welcome back. I hope that you had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed the break from school. There are some slight changes to our weekly routine this half term.

Monday for next 3 weeks we will do Boxing taster sessions for PE so wear PE gear.
Tuesday is still on our climbing frame day but it depends on the weather.
Wednesday is NOT our PE day this half term.
Thursday return all homework tasks. Bring back library books to change.
Friday is still our tests day and we do Healthy Kidz for extra PE so wear PE gear.

HOMEWORK FOR THIS WEEK (to ease us back in)
Reading every day for at least 20 mins - remember to return your library books and choose new ones.
Learn spellings and complete all activities in your booklet.
Mental Maths complete next test ABC sections.
Go online to and search for hit the button to practice your times tables. You will also find the coordinates games we played in class and rocket rounding to practice on. Have fun!

RESEARCH TASK our topic in class this term is EARLY MAN and we will be learning lots about the Stone Age as a history topic. Using the website or any others you can find do some research on life in the Stone Age for people in Ireland and around the world.

Can you find out -

when the Stone Age was

why was it called the Stone age

where did it happen 

what did people look like

how did people survive day to day?

Do you have any questions about the topic that you would like us to work on in class?

How are you going to show me that you have done some research at home? Write it down? Draw it? Email it to me? PowerPoint on your c2k account? Go on impress me! (Dojo points!)