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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

Homework 23rd September 2024

23rd Sep 2024

Good afternoon P5/6F, 

Here goes another week- September is nearly over!  Your homework last week was brilliant.  Only a few children had not completed by Thursday but we got all sorted. 

Spellings - 3 definitions and  1 sentence please.  Please see sheet. Complete spelling activity.  

Grammar activities - in booklet - Nouns page 4 and 5.  Proper and common nouns. Neat writing required, thank you.  

Mental Maths. Section A,B,C, ( unless you had a football win) ! 

Reading - please make sure and read with an adult this week.  Practice your expression and discuss the text read.  School library books, home books also can be read.  

times tables - x5.  Remember the pattern discussed - odd numbers end with 5 and even end with 0.