Get ready to stroll, scoot and cycle to school once again. The big walk and wheel is back!
Dear Parents/Guardians and pupils,
Monday 21st March marks the start of this year's Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel week(formerly known as the Big Pedal). This is a 5 day competition whereby we compete against other schools throughout the UK to get as many children as possible travelling actively to school and maybe win a prize or two along the way. Throughout the week we will be taking part in the following activities:
Monday 21st March: We would encourage as many people as possible to walk, scoot and cycle to school to give us a great starting boost.
Tuesday 22nd March: We would encourage everyone in the school to continue to travel actively and ask the Foundation stage P1&2 classes to please ensure that they bring their bikes and scooters this day for a little scooting and cycling session around our turning circle.
Wednesday 23rd March: We would encourage everyone to continue to travel actively and ask the Key Stage 1 P3&4 classes to please ensure that they bring their bikes and scooters this day for a little scooting and cycling session around our turning circle.
Thursday 24th March: We would encourage everyone to continue to travel actively and ask the Key Stage 2 P5,6&7 classes to please ensure that they bring their bikes and scooters this day for a scooting/cycling session around our turning circle.
Friday 25th March: To mark the end of the challenge we will be hosting a walking bus from Ballymena North to Braidside and would like to invite as many families as possible to join us. We will meet at 8:30 am and will leave Ballymena North to walk to Braidside at 8:40 am. We require parents to accompany their child on this walk and encourage all children to wear hi-vis/brightly coloured clothing where possible.
Please keep up to date with your child's teams/seesaw page throughout the week for any further information. Many thanks, Mrs Horan (Sustrans Active Travel Coordinator).
Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School , 89 Frys Road Ballymena, County Antrim BT43 7EN | Telephone: 028 2564 7899