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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Nursery and P1 Applications for Sept 2025 Thank you to everyone who attended our Open Evening on Thursday 9th. It was lovely to meet lots of parents and children as you begin your school experience. If any parent or guardian was unable to attend and would like information or an opportunity to visit, please contact the school office. EA Connect will open today at 12noon for applications and will close at the same time on Friday 24th January.
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Get ready to stroll, scoot and cycle to school once again. The big walk and wheel is back!

16th Mar 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians and pupils, 

Monday 21st March marks the start of this year's Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel week(formerly known as the Big Pedal). This is a 5 day competition whereby we compete against other schools throughout the UK to get as many children as possible travelling actively to school and maybe win a prize or two along the way. Throughout the week we will be taking part in the following activities:

Monday 21st March: We would encourage as many people as possible to walk, scoot and cycle to school to give us a great starting boost.

Tuesday 22nd March: We would encourage everyone in the school to continue to travel actively and ask the Foundation stage P1&2 classes to please ensure that they bring their bikes and scooters this day for a little scooting and cycling session around our turning circle.

Wednesday 23rd March: We would encourage everyone to continue to travel actively and ask the Key Stage 1 P3&4 classes to please ensure that they bring their bikes and scooters this day for a little scooting and cycling session around our turning circle.

Thursday 24th March: We would encourage everyone to continue to travel actively and ask the Key Stage 2 P5,6&7 classes to please ensure that they bring their bikes and scooters this day for a scooting/cycling session around our turning circle.

Friday 25th March: To mark the end of the challenge we will be hosting a walking bus from Ballymena North to Braidside and would like to invite as many families as possible to join us. We will meet at 8:30 am and will leave Ballymena North to walk to Braidside at 8:40 am. We require parents to accompany their child on this walk and encourage all children to wear hi-vis/brightly coloured clothing where possible.

Please keep up to date with your child's teams/seesaw page throughout the week for any further information. Many thanks, Mrs Horan (Sustrans Active Travel Coordinator).