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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Parent Interviews Interviews will take place next Mon 3rd- Thurs 6th February. School will end on these days at 1pm. Transport will be provided for the earlier finish.
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Do I need to keep my child off school? - Current Guidance

5th Nov 2024
Dear parents and carers,
As we move into late autumn and winter season, there will no doubt be illnesses and bugs which cause children to be unwell. Please find attached guidance from the PHA regarding common illnesses and whether children should remain absent from school. This will be a helpful guide.

Just before half term and this week, there have been several cases of hand, foot and mouth across some classes. Advice from the PHA notes that children can return to school when any blisters have dried up and when the child is well enough for a school day. Parents can record their child's absence by telephone (25647899) using the absence option. 
It is important too that at school and home we continue to deliver health and hygiene information regarding handwashing, using tissues and binning these after use. Your help and assistance is appreciated.