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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
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BIPS 30th Birthday Drive-By!

14th Jun 2020

Hello everyone!

I'm sure your interest and curiosity have been piqued this week, as we shared little clues that something was happening. You will know that we had planned a range of activities for this the 30th Birthday year of Braidside. We had expected that the year would culminate with the move into our new school and a birthday party in the new premises. Unfortunately, this was not to be, but we could not let this year end without some recognition of this important milestone.

And so we wish to invite you to "BIPS 30th Birthday Drive-By"!! - taking place on Sunday 21st June outside the school (both old and new!). We will post full guidance, directions and times for everyone participating later this week and we hope as many as possible will be able to drive-by. Each current pupil will receive a party bag from a member of staff, while others will be lined up (applying social distancing measures) to wave and greet our Braidside community. We have been planning this event for a few weeks now, taking all necessary health and safety precautions and we look forward to ending 2019/20 positively. We encourage you make posters for your car, display your Braidside jumper/ hoodie with pride and join in the fun!

During the summer, we will move into our new school and the next academic year will truly have a bright, new beginning! So let's celebrate 30 wonderful years of Braidside and let's look forward to the next - Building together for our future!

See you next Sunday!

BIPS 30th Birthday Drive-By (14th Jun 2020) View download document