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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Class Photos Class Photos will be taken on Tuesday 7th January 2025. All children should be in their school uniform. Thank you! | Opening Evening for Nursery and Primary 1 2025 Dear Prospective Parents, Guardians and Children,You are warmly invited to our Open Evening on Thursday 9th January 2025.Please see the news post for further information with times for Nursery and P1.Prospective Nursery parents should telephone the office (25647899) to make a booking for this session. (Places are limited due to capacity within Nursery classroom)We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school! | Nursery and Primary 1 Open Evening Nursery and Primary 1 Open Evening will take place on Thurs 9th January, 2025. Prospective parents and pupils are warmly invited to attend.
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And Action! We have some very exciting news!

30th Apr 2021

On Tuesday 4th May UTV camera crews will be arriving at school to interview us about our involvement in the Sustrans Active School Travel Programme and our recent Big Pedal experience which was a huge success thanks to you. They plan to be at school for 8:45 am to film children and parents arriving at school by foot or on bikes and scooters and they may wish to interview some willing parents. Please ensure that your child/children are wearing their full Braidside uniform if possible on Tuesday and that they are actively travelling if able to. This is a very exciting opportunity for our school community and one which I hope all of the children will look back on with fondness in the years to come.

Many thanks and best wishes, Mrs Horan (Sustrans/Active Travel Coordinator).