An Audience with…
Last year, Mrs Fulton’s class had an audience with Mrs Anna Corey who spoke at length during the class interview about the positive use of online for work and recreation.
This year, P5/6F had the privilege of interviewing Ben and Ross Montgomery - dancers.
As part of our Literacy and Creative Writing we were learning the skill of asking good questions- knowing the difference between open and closed questions. We watched footage of Ben and Ross online, studied their Logo, their vision for the year and discussed as a class what we thought it all meant. We had so much we wanted to find out. So we set about composing questions as a class. Mrs Fulton shortlisted the questions and we put together an interview. One of our class members was responsible for the full interview. She was a fantastic interviewer!
We learned so much from the two young men. We learned about how they had dreams at our age of what they would love to accomplish, who they would love to meet and what they would like to do as a career with their dance. We heard lots of anecdotes from them, how they regularly meet up with Diversity and other well known dancers and how they use their skill and talents to use to help others.
We will remember - to follow our dreams, passions and interests! Thanks for the advice, Ben and Ross!
They did two dances for us and also taught us a dance too!
Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School , 89 Frys Road Ballymena, County Antrim BT43 7EN | Telephone: 028 2564 7899