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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

News - Primary 6/7O

2021/2022 School Year

21st Oct 2021
Today as well as being volcanologists we were scientists! We mixed substances and...
20th Oct 2021
Researching true and false statements about volcanoes.
20th Oct 2021
We have been working extremely hard in P6O on our Natural Disasters topic this half...
7th Oct 2021
We had great fun this week doodling with autumn leaves.
29th Sep 2021
We spent this morning in the turning circle at the front of the school planting...
21st Sep 2021
We had great fun today on the climbing frame today!
7th Sep 2021
We responded to Mrs McAuley’s challenge this afternoon and made the number...
7th Sep 2021
We are revising our times tables this half term in primary 6. It’s the two...
7th Sep 2021
Our primary 6 pupils in Mrs O’Neill’s class are very excited and happy...

2020/2021 School Year

16th Jun 2021
After doing some animal breathing exercises to relax and re-energise us, P6O then...