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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

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2019/2020 School Year

24th Nov 2019
A very special assembly was held on Friday morning for our school community. Johnny...
22nd Nov 2019
Congratulations to our merit award winners. Well done on all your hard work. 
22nd Nov 2019
There was so much excitement as P3 visited our new school. We are learning about...
20th Nov 2019
We're all set up here for Beep Beep Day- activities are out and we hope the children...
19th Nov 2019
Nursery had fun wearing their pyjamas to Nursery, watching a movie, having cookies...
19th Nov 2019
We love to share the activities and work that goes on in our classrooms every day...
18th Nov 2019
Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Book Fair. The children really enjoyed...
18th Nov 2019
Student Council wish to thank everyone for their contributions to last week's Penny...
15th Nov 2019
During anti-bullying week we talked about how it makes us feel when we receive compliments....