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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

News - Primary 6/7O

2022/2023 School Year

16th Dec 2022
Pupils in P6/7O have been writing letters and making Christmas cards to send to...
30th Nov 2022
Today we continued our coding projects using Scratch and our class novel, “How...
21st Nov 2022
We have been having great fun learning how to code. We have been learning how...
27th Oct 2022
Well done to our pupils in P6/7O and P7Y who took in a times tables challenge for...
26th Oct 2022
Our buddies have been so good to us and have helped us settle so well into P1 that...
19th Oct 2022
The competition is fierce in Maths Week between P6/7O and P7Y! Both classes are...
18th Oct 2022
To say that Mrs McAuley and Mrs O’Neill were proud of these p7 pupils today...
17th Oct 2022
Today we investigated the statements made by Leonardo daVinci based on his Vitruvian...
13th Oct 2022
We at Braidside have a team of 9 students who applied for a position in our ICT...