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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

News - Primary 5M

2018/2019 School Year

13th May 2019
Key Stage 2 listening intently to Fr Wili Maningi from Tanzania who told them about...
12th Apr 2019
Congratulations to all those pupils who achieved 100% attendance during Term 2. ...
11th Apr 2019
At assembly on Thursday we celebrated all of our achievements outside school. ...
11th Apr 2019
Well done to all the children who showed kindness to others this term and were recognised...
11th Apr 2019
Congratulations to all our Easter egg winners today.  Our raffle was a great...
8th Apr 2019
This afternoon we enjoyed a wonderful performance from KS1 & KS2 children who...
15th Mar 2019
P5M's assembly celebrated Integrated Education Month by exploring the theme of...
15th Mar 2019
P5M have completed lots of activities this week to celebrate Integrated Education...
8th Mar 2019
P5M had a fantastic day for World Book Day! A 'BIG Bookie Breakfast', Book Swap...
23rd Jan 2019
P5M enjoying the delicious treats they purchased at the Student Council Bake Sale....