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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School

News - Primary 6/7O

2019/2020 School Year

5th Jun 2020
Mia sent through some excellent work today that she has been doing on Mr Wolf, as...
1st Jun 2020
Hello KS2.  Here is this week's First News for you all.  As well as...
31st May 2020
Hello there primary 6! How are you all doing? I hope you have been enjoying the...
26th May 2020
Hi everyone in KS2 Here is this week's copy of First News. As usual, there are...
26th May 2020
Hello P6. How are you all doing? I hope you enjoyed your tea parties yesterday....
18th May 2020
Here are some pics of our class working at home, keeping fit and completing projects!...
18th May 2020
Hello to EVERYONE in Key Stage 2. It occurred to me that during these very...
18th May 2020
PPTC has announced its intention to hold the 2020 Assessment on Sat 5th Dec 2020,...
16th May 2020
Hello P6O. How are you all doing this week? I see that some of you are participating...
15th May 2020
Here are the answers for this week's English and Maths. Hopefully there are no mistakes...