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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School


2018/2019 School Year

20th Mar 2019
P3 spent today out and about learning about beam bridges, arch bridges, viaducts...
20th Mar 2019
As part of Integrated Education Month the children in P7C have been looking at...
19th Mar 2019
19th Mar 2019
Yesterday, Monday 18th March, we encouraged everyone to wear something green to...
15th Mar 2019
P5M's assembly celebrated Integrated Education Month by exploring the theme of...
15th Mar 2019
P5M have completed lots of activities this week to celebrate Integrated Education...
15th Mar 2019
Congratulations to P3C who today enjoyed the attendance tea party for February 2019....
14th Mar 2019
Some beautiful Irish dancing at our Foundation & KS1 assembly about St. Patrick.
14th Mar 2019
Congratulations to our merits award winners today!