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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Take 5 Sponsored Walk What a great day we had for our sponsored walk! All money should be returned to school by Friday 17th May. We are grateful for your support and will share the final total of money raised on week beginning 20th May. I hope the children will share with you all the different activities from the Take 5 day.
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Primary 4O Wellbeing Wednesday

23rd Jun 2021

Today we painted some Memory Rocks to remind us of all the good times we have had in Primary 4. The rocks came from the garden area outside our classroom where way back in September we planted some daffodils bulbs which grew and flowered just like us. We used bright colours to remind us of the happy and fun times we had this year despite all that has happened. We are looking forward to the holidays and our new P5 class with Mrs. Fulton.