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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Sports Days 2024 Weather permitting, Sports Days this year will take place on the following days:P1- P3H: Wednesday 29th May at 10amP4C- P7: Friday 31st May at 10am | Take 5 Sponsored Walk What a great day we had for our sponsored walk! All money should be returned to school by Friday 17th May. We are grateful for your support and will share the final total of money raised on week beginning 20th May. I hope the children will share with you all the different activities from the Take 5 day.
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P7Y Activities

26th May 2020

Hello everybody,

Hope you enjoyed your Monday off and all had a great tea party. I spotted some of you in the pictures on Facebook last night... you all looked really good. I'm uploading your New Wave & some literacy activities to keep your brains ticking over.

Now, a little project for you to think about:

Are any of you missing shopping? Now, I admit to being someone who is rubbish at shopping... but I do find myself missing the opportunity to nip into the shops to see what is available... my two favourites are H&M and Primark. Now, H&M have a slogan which relates to fair trade and equality... can any of you find out what it is... and what it means?

Primark is great for a bargain... I love it... but have you ever wondered how their clothing is so cheap? How can they sell clothes that we like for such low prices? Think about all the effective questioning skills you have... think about where, why, who, how, what if?

Where are their clothes made?

Who makes them?

How are they so cheap?

What if you do some research and find that you don't like what you find out?

It is possible for us to change our shopping habits for the better?

Again, I would ask that if you have a go, send me your findings. As always the address is

Can I also say thank you to everyone who has provided me with pictures etc for the Leavers Book and can I please remind those of you who haven't, to get your input to me by this Friday.

Have a great week everyone,

Love, Mrs Young


P7 Numeracy & Literacy (26th May 2020) View download document