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Braidside Integrated Primary & Nursery School
Take 5 Sponsored Walk What a great day we had for our sponsored walk! All money should be returned to school by Friday 17th May. We are grateful for your support and will share the final total of money raised on week beginning 20th May. I hope the children will share with you all the different activities from the Take 5 day.
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P1H Attendance Tea Party

12th May 2019

Congratulations to P1H who enjoyed an attendance tea party with Ms McAuley on Thursday 9th May. P1H achieved 96% attendance for April 2019 which was excellent. Whole school attendance for April 2019 was 90.53%.

With only 7 weeks left of this school year, let's see can we get those attendance figures above 95%. Hopefully we have better weather ahead, lots of activities, trips and Sports' day fun to look forward to. It would be a great achievement to finish the year with positive outcomes for whole school attendance. Remember regular attendance is vital to pupil progress.